Group Meditation Coaching & Workshops

Ayurveda Wellness Coaching – Group Workshop

Ayurveda Wellness Coaching – Group Workshop

Please note: This Ayurveda Wellness Coaching program applies to groups only. Pricing is determined based on your group size and needs. Once you have signed up for this product, I will be in touch to learn more about your needs and determine pricing.

Ayurveda is experiential, which means that the choices we make about our experiences change our bodies—including our choices about food, personal relationships, sensory experiences, sleep, work, social interactions, and daily routine.

  • Are you tired of feeling anxious and overwhelmed?
  • Are you shying away from things you want to do, but your confidence is low or unreliable?
  • Do you know that your emotions and your body are connected and so is your belief system?
  • Are you tired, maybe overweight or underweight, sitting around too much, and sometimes feel you’re missing out on a life you’re not really quite living?
  • Are you losing sleep and eating your emotions? Do you feel like you are a prisoner to your schedule?

Join Dennyse and learn the answers using this ancient wisdom that has been practiced for over 5000 years.

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Monthly Meditation Challenge

Monthly Meditation Challenge

Register for my Meditation Challenge to kickstart your morning meditation routine with the support of like-minded women. Our daily meditations will occur online every day 6:15 AM – 6:45 AM from Monday through Friday throughout February. Once registered, you will receive:

  • A confirmation email with a Zoom link to access the Meditation Space.
  • A guide to help you create your personal sanctuary.
  • Audio recordings of meditations you can access on days when Dennyse cannot be present to guide the meditation.
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Meditation Enrichment – Group Workshop

Meditation Enrichment – Group Workshop

Please Read Carefully: This is the GROUP Meditation Enrichment option with Dennyse Harris -Chopra Certified Meditation Instructor. Pricing will vary based on your group size and needs. Once you have checked out this product, I will be in touch to learn more about your group needs and pricing.

You’ll learn the ancient practice of meditation including how meditation works, its purpose, and its benefits. You will also learn how to practice Mantra meditation, and experience guided meditation with Dennyse. You’ll get practical tips on how to feel comfortable and how to set yourself up at home.

Key Topics Covered in your Session with Dennyse:

  • What is meditation?
  • The benefits of meditation
  • Meditation and Stress Management
  • How stress affects the physiology of your body and how meditation counteracts and reverses the negative effects.
  • The qualities of Silence and how to quiet your thoughts
  • What is a mantra?
  • Meditation tips, guidelines and how to create a daily meditation routine at home
  • The 4 experiences in meditation
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