Spinning my Wheels | The New Year for uBlossom

This year was a year filled with transformation, movement and learning. Discover what the future of uBlossom will look like.

November 2020, by Dennyse

This past couple of weeks, I have been feeling emotional and crabby, unable to focus on my work.  My business is all about promoting and helping women navigate and fit self-care into their daily lives. This can feel like an overwhelming task at times, as I also battle to fit self-care into my own life. 

Why am I feeling empty and void???

Looking back over the past ten months, it’s easy to see that this has been a time of substantial action-almost continual, in such a way that I have felt unable to take the foot off the gas pedal.

Starting the pandemic in the middle of a Creative uBlossom retreat, then hosting three more retreats through the pandemic, I gave myself little time to pat myself on the back and enjoy the ripple effect of these incredible weekends. 

I launched a new website in the middle of it all-feeling compelled to create a new space and unique offerings for my supporters.

My cup was overflowing, and I barely noticed as I carried on full-steam ahead, cultivating and nourishing my higher purpose.

As I started to decompress at the end of October, I found time again for some of my favourite self-care activities. I also found myself grumpy, irritated and drained. I needed to get back up and start construction and planning for the new year, but brainstorming for new ideas, left me feeling spiritless.

Time to receive…

At my October retreat, my intention for the weekend (other than it to be hugely successful for all attendees), was to be open to receiving to tap into my intuition.  

My intuition has seemed dimly lit these past months, and reconnection is vital to me.

I realize today that I need to be comfortable, or perhaps more patient with the emptiness, the quietness so that I can receive and reconnect.

I remind myself that my circle of evolution flows easier when supported by the self-care rituals that bring me joy. I know that inspiration will come – it always does.  

2021 will be another fantastic year of many retreat offerings and support for all of us, and that is enough.  

I am enough.




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